Sunday, August 2, 2009


So lets see..Friday I ran my car into a telephone pole...oops. I honestly dont really know how it happened. I have been really really tired as of late and can not concentrate on anything. I survived, the car survived, I will be going to bed much earlier. I did freak out and called my doc who told me to take it easy.

Saturday we headed up to help my sister move. Being prego and moving...doesn't go well together. I helped pack and move very light things but being on my feet all day plus the three hour drive there and back took it out of me.

I seemed to have developed an unhealthy habit...Wendy's french fries. OMG I seriously can't get enough of them. I am weaning myself as we speak.

I have my appointment with my midwife soon. I cannot wait since I get an ultra sound. Expecially since I dont have a still due date due to crazy cycle history.

I had to buy.....maternity clothes this weekend. I can no longer fit in my pants, well I can but I can't you know...breath. I found some great deals at the thrift store and some baby consienment shops. I do plan on buying some awesome maternity clothes from here when it gets cooler. They have the greatest stuff.

I almost cried today when I looked at my tummy and saw not only the previous stretch marks that had faded long ago reapear and some nice red new ones. I am seriously wondering if I am either farther along then I think or if there is two babies in there.

My morning sickness is not too bad. I think my constant supply of ice, butterscotch candy, mints and gingerale is helping. Its mostly that I am tired. I mean really really tired. If I stand too long I get dizzy so I am guessing I am anemic like I was with the first two.

We have a lot going on at our house right now. My husband has his police department eval soon, so he is gearing up for that. He is also hunting for contract jobs in Iraq should that not pan out. Which would totally suck however my sisters husband does it and has done well. How do I let my soul mate leave for a year??? Sniff

So I really tired so I am off to bed.


Jen said...

There really should be a warning out there that says, once you get pregnant you will never again be fully wake. Oh and it only gets worse once the baby is here.
Here's hoping you got a good night's rest.
Stopped by from SITS, I'll be quiet when I leave. ;)

Aubrey said...

I'm so glad you weren't hurt in your little fender bender! Get some rest!

Coming over from SITS with a big HELLO & Welcome!

Mandee said...

Congrats on your pregnancy! I love the header at the top of your page! We wouldn't want to become extinct...he he! I'm following you from MBC! :)

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