Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Moving along

We had a very very busy weekend. Tess and Levi returned, my husband and our friend replaced my breaks, we finished school shopping and are trying to get back into a routine.
I am feeling pretty good. I haven't had any morning sickness this last week though I am still exhausted by 4pm every day. Of course right as I start feeling better, I was hit today at work with a killer headache and stomach aches. I seem to have picked up a stomach virus. I spent most of the evening in the bathroom and am running a low fever. Hopefully all will be fine in the morning.

I got our statement plan from the women s care practice that is handling my pre natal and birth. I remember when I had Levi seeing the original bill and a large price tag of almost $18,000. I had military insurance at the time and didn't pay anywhere near that. I was concerned with our health plan and how much they would cover. I was very happy when I saw they had outlined a payment plan so we would be completely paid by delivery. I was also very happy to see that our cost will only be around $500. Seems "alternative birth methods" are much cheaper then a "hospital birth".

Next Wednesday we tour the birthing center. The week after I have my next appoinment. It seems time is flying by too quickly. I still have so much to do and so much to buy! Thats the fun part right??


Kathy B! said...

The pregnancy does fly by, doesn't it?! Take it easy mama! Make sure you get lots of rest, too :)

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