Thursday, July 30, 2009


Today has not been my day. I am suffering from sever pregnancy brain. Don't believe me?

I forgot my purse this morning....
I had to drive back home for my purse and the papers I needed for a design meeting today...

I drove into a telephone pole....
I am not kidding. I have never had an accident. I was driving home to retrieve the above items and then next thing I know I am heading for a giant pole. My car hopped the curb. My front fender has a small dent and all the plastic wheel guard came off along with the inner guard in the wheel well. Opps......
I was fine, car will be fine after some new bolts get stuff attached back down where they are supposed to be. I am fine..I think. I called my midwife and she said I should be fine. I was supposed to stay home in bed today but I am on a deadline, so here I am at work chugging water like she said, and sitting my arse down. At least I cant run into any more poles at my desk.

Seriously I have no idea how it happened. I am so out of it lately. I am tired, cranky..did I say tired? I know this happens to preggo women all the time. Good luck having a conversation with me, because guess what..I cant follow. Jeez and I have a long way to go.


Tiff said...

Hope your day gets better, and watch out for poles! LOL!

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