Monday, July 20, 2009

First Doc Visit

I called my Reg Doc today. She was booked but I needed to get my confirmation of my pregnancy. Believe me we know its positive! Instead I saw her assistant, they drew blood and sent me on my way. I cant make an appointment with my chosen mid wife for 3 more weeks.
I had planned to have a home birth with this baby, come to find out our insurance will not cover it. So instead I found a group of wonderful midwives who deliver in a very nice brand new birthing center.
My first birth with my daughter who is almost 10 was a nightmare. Military Hospital, and I was stuck in bed and they would not let me get out and move around. It took 2 doctors and 5 residents to deliver one baby. It was horrible.
When I had my son who is now 6 his birth wasn't horrible but it wasn't much of an event. Due to personal things going on in my life (my mother passed away and other reasons) I was on bed rest 4 months. I was in labor constantly. I was given an epidural, induced and went to sleep 6 hours, I then had a baby. It was easy, but it didn't seem like a big event, I dont know maybe that sounds strange?
I want a very non evasive delivery with this baby. I dont want IV's, I dont want a doctor, I want a midwife. I want to labor in a nice jacuzzi tub and be able to move where I like. The birthing center offers the comfort of home birth in a safe place..and my insurance pays!
I am scared to death of a natural delivery, but I figure its something I want to be able to say I did, and of course its better for the baby.

On a downside, my grandmother of 91 years passed away today. How sad, two life events in the matter of two days.....I am heart broken, and I dont think it has hit me and I dont think it will for a while. I will miss her, she was an amazing women.


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