Thursday, July 23, 2009


I feel like atreyu in the never ending story, when he has to face himself to get to the last Oracle.....I am feel as if I am walking in a fog.

Today at work I could not concentrate. I was so tired and people would speak to me and I would hear them, but could not comprehend what they were saying to me.
I do not remember being this tired with my first two.
All I think about is a nap..all day...every second, I am like a 14 year old that just discovered that people have sex..only its not sex for me, its NAPS.
Someone, somewhere is taking a nap, they are relaxed in a quiet place loving that foggy silence as they drift off. I WANT IT! I want to take it from them and horde it like I am an angry dragon.

I fantasize about naps, I day dream about naps, I would trade almost anything for a 45 minute nap.

Today I was beat, I have a heavy work load right now and my brain is not concentrating. When I got home I didn't take a nap because that's what I have been doing for the last 2 weeks and I feel guilty.

We went to watch the new Harry Potter movie. Something I have been waiting for a long while. Only even though I watched the movie, and I wasn't asleep, I don't remember much of it. I was in a haze. I have come to the conclusion in a few months I will be completly brain dead due to being preggers.

The last few days my thoughts have also been drifting to my grandmother who just passed away. I am not able to go pay my condolences and it is depressing. My grandmother was an amazing women, but she deserves a whole post of her own which will come this weekend.

I am off for a bath..and bed...oh sweet sweet slumber.


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