Monday, July 27, 2009


So we have a pretty large house. It is 5 bedrooms. We have two downstairs one which is ours and one is our office. We have three bedrooms upstairs. We are still fixing our house and decided that the baby will be going into the office for at least the first 2 years. Our children are very loud when they are upstairs. So we have to move our office.
Right now our office furniture does not match, and it doesn't bother me because no one sees it. However we are changing our dining room into the office since well...we never use it.
I am a huge fan of IKEA and I found the perfect desks for the room, that match the colors and everything. Only we don't have an IKEA here and the shipping alone was $200. The two closest ones are Woodbridge (almost in DC) and the other is over 250 miles away.
Maybe I can get my great brother in law to go pick them up? I am hoping so I dont want to drive 145 miles just to get the desks however I sure as hell am not paying that much in shipping.
I feel like a spending spree is about to happen. The kids starting school, a baby, things still needing to be done to the house. I can see all our cash trickling away..oh is fun.


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